Case Studies

North Uist Community Hub

Àrainneachd Àlainn, the North Uist Community Hub, is a social enterprise providing a central point for the local community and visitors; acting as a gathering place, an innovative incubator for learning and enterprise, and a place to inspire environmental learning and consciousness.

This community led project is directed by the needs of The North Uist community, with the goal of improving health and wellbeing and creating a positive environmental impact on the island.  The project is driven by the North Uist Development Company, which was founded in 2010 to promote the social, educational, cultural, economic, and environmental wellbeing of residents.   

Having secured a place on LaunchMe, the North Uist Development Company looks to repurpose the former Lochmaddy School into a Community Hub and School Bunkhouse, bringing land and a building, formerly used by the community, back into use. The enterprise, Àrainneachd Àlainn, will provide services and facilities for the community, whilst also offering an all year and all-weather visitor attraction. 

Àrainneachd Àlainn will be a multi-functional space, with an environmental centre, a community space, areas for creativity and learning, an incubator hub for co-working, and a bunkhouse providing low-cost accommodation. The North Uist Development Company aims for this space to be welcoming and inviting to both locals and visitors, meeting various community needs with one multi-purpose space.   

We are hoping that LaunchMe will help the North Uist Development Company to realise the community’s vision, to create a sustainable enterprise with a wide range of benefits across the community.

Ameena Camps, Project Delivery Manager, North Uist Community Hub

You can follow the progress of the community hub at the North Uist Development Company website.