
Legal structures and joint ventures

This session is aimed at potential Social Innovation Challenge applicants who are not yet incorporated as a social enterprise and who would like to understand more about the process.

Tuesday 23 August, 11am – 11:45am, Online
Speaker: Colin McMillan (Firstport)
15-20min presentation, 25-30min discussion (45min max). Recorded 
Book your space at this event here

The Social Innovation Challenge is currently open for applications from anyone with an innovative solution to a pressing climate change issue faced by a rural community in Scotland. Applications are also accepted from individuals or new collaborations, even if they are not yet registered as a social enterprise. However, they would need to become incorporated as social enterprise in order to access the funding. This session will cover some of the legal structures that might be relevant to such applicants, including a focus on joint ventures. The presentation will be recorded and followed by a Q&A session.    

This session is aimed at potential Social Innovation Challenge applicants who are not yet incorporated as a social enterprise and who would like to understand more about the process.