
New start-up training for social enterprises!

We’ve mixed up our free start-up training to include more detail and more topics! Visit the Just Enterprise website to book!

We’ve made a change to our webinar and workshop schedule with Just Enterprise. This means that we are able to cover more topics in more detail than before! Check out our new range of topics below and follow the links to book onto a session (or more!).


This workshop looks at both essential angles: social/environmental impact and commercial viability of the business. It’s an interactive session which is aimed at early stage social enterprises or early start-ups looking to re-focus their business model. Through a combination of theoretical explanations and practical exercises this course will take you through the main steps of planning & delivery for social enterprise.

Join this interactive online workshop to find out more!

Planning : Business Model Canvas & Business Planning

Are you considering or in the early stages of starting up a new social enterprise?

This 1 hour webinar takes you through the essential components of a social enterprise, how those elements fit together and how to consciously design a business that achieves both impact and profit.

Planning: Mission and Objectives

Being clear on your social mission is crucial. This webinar will explain how to identify and analyse the need and how your social enterprise responds to that need. Find out how to plan and be clear on the client benefit, how to communicate your mission and objectives to others, and how to stay focused on the beneficiaries from the start.


When starting up a social enterprise, legal implications can unfortunately be overlooked with so many other things to consider.

This two hour session will highlight several of the key legal matters common to many social enterprises that will require your consideration prior to and during start up. From which legal structure to adopt, to licences, insurances, employing people, etc., this introduction will help you prioritise your legal requirements.

Legal – Governance

Are you considering starting up a new social enterprise? What does Governance mean to you? Do you know you will need a Board? Who can be on your Board? What are the responsibilities of a Board member?

This 45 minute webinar will be delivered online via ZOOM. It will clarify some of your initial concerns and hopefully reassure you of the help and support available to help you along your path of developing a social enterprise.  The webinar is complimentary to the Legal Structures workshops available through Just Enterprise but will not investigate different structures and incorporation of your social enterprise.

Legal – Starting a Charity

If you are considering setting up a charity this 1 hour introductory webinar will help you better understand:

  • “The Charity Test”
  • The duties of a Trustee
  • Appropriate legal structures – SCIO and Company Limited by Guarantee with Charitable Status

Legal- Memorandum and Articles of Association

Are you considering starting up a new social enterprise?

When starting up a social enterprise, legal terms can be confusing or scary. This webinar session will clarify why you need a Memorandum when establishing a company and provide you with a guide to considering your Articles of Association – your rules for your social enterprise. A soft touch, non-legal explanation of the importance of “Mem & Arts”

Introduction to Branding & Marketing

This 2 hour workshop will look at understanding the role of marketing, understanding the marketing mix, the importance of understanding your customers, the core components of a brand and the value of a strong and consistent branding.

Marketing: Intro to Market Research

Are you considering or in the early stages of starting up a new social enterprise?

This webinar will help you to understand why market research is important for your business plan and will provide an overview of different market research methods and the tools you can utilise to understand your customers, identify your competitors and feed into your marketing strategy.

Marketing: Steps to creating a Marketing Strategy

This webinar will seek to understand how a marketing strategy can help and support your business. Building a marketing strategy that fits with your business and your goals to get the business on the road to success.

Marketing: Marketing Your Business

This webinar will help you to create a realistic marketing plan for your business to help you to increase your sales.


An essential element in starting a social enterprise is in managing your finances effectively – controlling the flow of money in and out.

This 2 hour introductory workshop will highlight the importance of monitoring and planning, considering additional income streams and sources and the need to demonstrate both the viability and the sustainability of your social enterprise.

Finance: Build a Cashflow

Reduce the fear of cashflow! This introductory webinar will help to clarify how to build your own cashflow when you might not be aware of all the figures you need and outline why a cashflow forecast is essential in any growing social enterprise.

Finance: Book Keeping

The process of book keeping can be as simple or as detailed as you need it to be. This session introduces simple models to enable you to easily monitor/log the expenditure of your social enterprise while highlighting how effective book-keeping can save you money.

Finance: Review your Cashflow

You have completed a cashflow forecast for your business plan, but is that its only use?

Can the cashflow become your most valued planning tool as your business evolves?

This short webinar will begin to look at ways of ‘playing’ with figures, dreaming of expansion, calculating timescales and demonstrating that being in control of your social enterprise means being on top of your cashflow.