Case Studies

Ubuntu Scotland

Ubuntu Scotland was founded by Sameeha Rehman to offer children and young people the opportunity to benefit from practical learning experiences in life skills.

Based on five key learning areas: creativity, finance, workplace, mental wellbeing and social interaction, Ubuntu Scotland’s workshops will be provided to the most disadvantaged communities across Glasgow to provide individualised support to keep them on par with others in school.

We caught up with Sameeha Rehman to find out more about her inspiration and ambition.

What was the inspiration for setting up Ubuntu Scotland?

Ubuntu Scotland was an initial idea when I was twelve years old. Although grateful for the education I received, I was increasingly frustrated with the inequality and lack of equity within the classroom environment. I struggled seeing my friends and others in the community leaving school because they didn’t fit that traditional ‘academic mould’ and I sought to change this.

Every child is a wonderfully unique individual and their education must be individualised to their specific needs. I saw the only way of doing this is by introducing life skills to our young people; equipping them with the basic skills to thrive in whatever path they choose to take, whether that be academic or not. I have been so lucky in the experiences I have had, and I want all young people to have access to those same opportunities. Ubuntu Scotland is my way of giving back.

What did you find most challenging setting up?

The most challenging part of setting up was knowing where to seek advice. It’s difficult having so many ideas and so much energy, but you need to take a step back and think what do I need to do and in what order. It is fantastic having Firstport and Just Enterprise for guidance and their expertise made the process so much simpler.

What are your plans for the future of Ubuntu Scotland

The plan is for Ubuntu Scotland to continue to expand and be featured within schools across Scotland. We want to reach as many children, young people and their families as possible, and let them experience what our services has to offer.

What are your top tips for social entrepreneurs?

Don’t be afraid to ask for advice – no question is a stupid one! You will feel a lot less stressed and better for it!

And finally, is there anything else you’d like to add?

The process so far in setting up Ubuntu Scotland has been amazing and I cannot wait to see what more we have to come!